Thinking Lately
Black Landscape (1939-40) by Graham Sutherland I've had lots of ideas for blog posts for the future. I see the topic I've chosen for my PhD as a bridge towards discussing a lot of other stuff. My intention for this blog has been, thus far, to use it primarily as an instrument in my research – when collating a large amount of information and ideas it really helps to write things down as you go, forcing yourself to think through an argument logically and consistently, finding the precise words you wish to use. I'm very much guilty of not doing this and it really takes some effort to translate thought to page, but I think it is absolutely essential practice as a researcher and a writer. This has been the main purpose of this blog so far, and I will continue to use it in this way throughout my PhD. However, I would also like to start using it to explore other ideas including stuff that's tangential to my research topic as well as my own personal thoughts and reflections....